Solve Your Kids Behavior and Chronic Health Issues
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Solve Your Kids Behavior and Chronic Health Issues

If you have kids with behavior challenges, chronic health conditions and/or developmental challenges, you’re not alone. The number of kids with behavior challenges or affected by one of the “new childhood epidemics” (anxiety, ADHD/ADD, allergies, asthma, autism, depression, obesity) is alarming.  I have so much compassion for you if you’re dealing with these struggles. It’s…

3 Steps to Help Your Kids Through their Worst Meltdowns

3 Steps to Help Your Kids Through their Worst Meltdowns

We’ve all been there…. You’re tired and stressed and your child begins to have an intense meltdown. You think you know what to do until you’re caught in the highly charged frenzy of your child’s tantrum and find yourself reacting…what do you do now? If you’re like most parents, your immediate reaction is to want…

What Causes Stress in Children?

What Causes Stress in Children?

In my previous post, Is Your Angry Child Purposely Defiant or Emotionally Stressed?, you learned that emotional stress is a major cause of children’s meltdowns – or any defiant or disturbing behavior. We all know what stress is. But what if your child doesn’t look stressed? When your child explodes into a rage over what seems…

Is Your Child Purposely Defiant or Emotionally Stressed?

Is Your Child Purposely Defiant or Emotionally Stressed?

Is your child’s difficult behavior on purpose? “She knows it’s not ok to scream at me and say hurtful things.”“All of a sudden he goes into a rage and starts hitting and throwing things.”“We’ve tried everything and he should know better by now.” Why doesn’t he? It can certainly seem like your child is intentionally…

What’s Causing Your Child’s Meltdowns?

What’s Causing Your Child’s Meltdowns?

Does it feel like you’re in a constant battle with your child? Are you dealing with frequent emotional outbursts – intense meltdowns, defiance, explosive anger, or aggression? Sure, all kids have tantrums. But does it seem like your child’s meltdowns are intense and extreme? Maybe you’ve been told your child has ADHD or ODD or…